Facebook disabled?
Friday, January 30, 2009
So, I went to check my facemail this morning, only to find out that my account has been disabled for a Terms of Service violation... No specifics, but apparently it takes a week or two before they get to any inquiry about this sort of thing. Maybe that's a good thing...
My advice to you: don't keep anything important on your facebook (phone #s, emails, etc) that you haven't recorded somewhere else... you never know when you'll need them and won't have access. For all my regular facebook readers, please subscribe to my feed in a reader, or follow me on twitter to continue to receive updates on my photo-a-day project.
January 31, 2009 at 4:31 PM
OMG Andrew need TTYN on facebook now. Gosh JK
February 1, 2009 at 8:42 PM
Thats such a sham! I would be so pissed off. I have lots of contacts on there.... I am going to back them up now.
July 24, 2009 at 9:33 AM
I think Facebook is, hands-down, the best social networking site on the internet to this day. The site distributes information while maintaining a level of personal integrity and privacy, ideal when attempting to make contacts on the web.
Facebook has helped me increase my fanbase momentously.
However, it's appalling customer service has left me hanging for an entire business week after I was hacked by someone using a 419 scam to beg my friends for money.
I have been incessantly emailing the Facebook team about my situation, to no avail. The one email I received from Dori, a member of the team, gave me a glimmer of hope, that slowly faded as days went by and no attempt to contact was returned.
From a site as notable as Facebook, this was frankly disappointing, and put a severe damper on my enthusiasm for the site.
What's more, as I am preparing for a huge music gig in august, trying to advertise my blog, gain employment as a writer in a newspaper in Boulder, and trying to find roommates at a new school, I do not have access to the most useful social networking tool I have, and it has been taken away unfairly.
Hacking is clearly not something to be taken lightly, but neither are 25 emails from a pissed-off student. who relies on Facebook for many aspects of her life.
From a corporation as noted and celebrated by the media, I would have expected more.