Thanks, Joe!  

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Over the past month or so, I've been working on a little lighting workshop with the members of the Vancouver Strobist group, which went down on Sunday. I didn't end up shooting many photos, instead focusing on keeping things [relatively] organized... but, I did steal someones G9 to shoot a bunch of video. I'll be putting together a little media clip over the next week or so featuring a bunch of the video as well as photos, but in the meantime, I just wanted to say thank you to a couple people:

First, to Joe McNally, for taking the time out of his day to work with us for a couple of hours (and for the shout out on his blog). Joe is an awesome photographer and an even better person, and I really can't stress enough how appreciative we all are of his contribution to our workshop, as well as to the photography community in general. Thanks, Joe!

To Pacifica Photograhpy, for letting our group use their space (on moving day, no less!), and keeping us out of the rain or a sketchy parkade.

And of course, to everyone else who came out to shoot, model, learn, and teach: these events don't happen without your help.

---Photos/video to come once it's edited---

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