Katal Innovations - The Landing Pad
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Last weekend I was up at Whistler to shoot the initial full-size testing of the Katal Innovations Landing Pad - essentially, an inflatable landing for snowsport jumps that's designed to simulate the feeling of a powder landing, providing a large, soft and safe landing on even the largest and most intimidating of park jumps.
I was only able to stay for the first day of testing, so everyone was taking it kinda easy as they got a feel for the landing, but if you watch the video after the jump you'll see what went down on day 2 and 3, once everyone was comforatble with the setup...
"We're there, like, really there. We were hitting this thing full speed, a legit sized jump... double flips, spins, real crashes, real knuckles; like, knuckle, full on with your head. So, yeah. It worked." -Kevin Sansalone
By all accounts, the three day session was a huge success. Riders hucked double flips and big spins, some stomping the landing and riding away clean, while others went neck first into the knuckle, an impact that would have potentially severe consequences on a regular booter. Because the Landing Pad allows the rider to continue their forward momentum upon landing, dangerous and difficult tricks can be learned and practiced safely on the pad, before being taken to competition.
As Project Manager Steve Slen said in the first video, special thanks to Whistler-Blackcomb, Sandbox, Redbull, Nokia, JoyTron, and everyone else that came out to help make the Katal Innovations Landing Pad a reality.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
I'll probably update this post a bunch as more media becomes available, be sure to check back!
July 28, 2008 at 3:58 PM
Talk about redefining off-season riding... That thing is going to change the sport entirely for how riders can train and practice without waiting for the pow - totally cool, eric needs to know about this