Good Times at Low Tide
Friday, May 9, 2008
One of my favorite things about living in Vancouver is the amount of beach we have here... and I don't think I've been swimming in the ocean since I worked in Anyox a couple years ago. Maybe I should clarify that a little: one of my favorite things about living near the ocean is low tide. Seriously. There is so much cool stuff to see and do when the tide goes waaaay out (on the Spanish Banks at UBC, the edge of the tide flats is a kilometre from shore), like watching 10 eagles terrorize the local seagull population as they compete for marine life trapped on the flats.
Read more after the jump:
If photographing birds isn't exactly your idea of fun, bust out the skimboard an go session a tide pool:
Or, if you happen to have 600 Titleists that you got from the driving range in the trunk of your car, take along a couple clubs and go knock a ball around for a while. Theres a great spot at the edge of Spanish Banks thats as smooth as a green and larger than any fairway... just try not to crank too many off into the ocean. I hear that a golf ball can get stuck in a whales blow-hole...
Low tide is at about 3:45 today and 4:30 tomorrow, but if the weather is a little unpleasant this weekend, theres another ultra low tide coming next month: June 4th @ 1pm, the water will about as low as it ever gets in Vancouver. I'll see you out there!
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